понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dog rat sale terrier

OMFG.�I swear, I feel like shit now.

I am so frustrated and I donapos;t know where or how will I start to explain my feelings right now. How I wish Iapos;m an extraordinary girl who canapos;t feel anything but happiness. But unfortunately, Iapos;m a human. K, so emo but whatever. I just really need to let this out.

First, I failed my Chemistry periodical exam. I got only 23 correct answers out of 60 items. What the fuck? (I told You that Iapos;ll avoid saying bad words but I just coudnapos;t, Iapos;m sorry) I donapos;t know how to react after I saw my score so I laughed. God, this would be my first time to fail a subject, if ever. And I donapos;t know how would my parents react about this also.

Second, tomorrow will be our presentation in our Language Class and I still donapos;t know what to wear and what to do. My groupmates and I didnapos;t have any praactice for this. God, help me please?

Third, I think Iapos;m losing my old friends. Not totally losing but itapos;s just that weapos;re not that close like�before. And I think itapos;s because we have different group of friends now. But I donapos;t wanna lose them. I love them.

Fourth, I feel bad for being a backstabber again. I swear, I wanna change but itapos;s hard. Human nature lol. Itapos;s hard especially� when the people around you are like that too. I just canapos;t avoid it, saying negative things about others especially when�I know theyapos;re also doing it to me. An eye for an eye, isnapos;t it? Ugh, but I know itapos;s bad :(

Fifth, my brother would still go to Chris Brown and Rihannaapos;s concert on November 16 even without me. :"( I was the one who wanted to watch that concert and my brother actually told me to ask my dad to buy the two of us tickets for the concert as hisapos; gift for my birthday. But what happened? He told me heapos;ll�be�going to watch it�with his friends even without me W-O-W. Super thanks bro You just officially made my day.. Not. I�badly want to watch that concert and you know that. :((((((((�

I donapos;t know what should�I feel.
I just wanna cry.


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